
(September 22, 2014)

In a press release issued on September 22, 2014 the OECD announces that the OECD and its Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information have today been mandated by the G20 to develop toolkits to support developing countries addressing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) and to launch pilot projects to assist them to move towards automatic exchange of information. According to the OECD this mandate comes in response to the following two reports:


Furthermore the OECD states hat it will report to the G20 Leaders in November on its plan to deepen the involvement of developing countries in the OECD/G20 BEPS project and ensure that their concerns are addressed.

Both documents mentioned above are now available on the website of the OECD.

Click here to be forwarded to the Report titled: “PART 2 OF A REPORT TO G20 DEVELOPMENT WORKING GROUP ON THE IMPACT OF BEPS IN LOW INCOME COUNTRIES” as published on the website of the OECD, which will open in a new window.

Click here to be forwarded to the report titled: “AUTOMATIC EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION: A ROADMAP FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRY PARTICIPATION - FINAL REPORT TO THE G20 DEVELOPMENT WORKING GROUP (5 AUGUST 2014)” as published on the website of the OECD, which will open in a new window.

For further information click here to be forwarded to the press release as issued by the OECD in this respect on September 22, 2014.


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