
Based on the overview of tax treaties as available on the website of the Irish Revenue the following Treaties and Protocols became effective as per January 1, 2016. By clicking on the name of the country you will be forwarded to the text of the DTA or Protocol as available on the website of the Irish Revenue.


·        Germany (Protocol signed December 3, 2014)

·        Luxembourg (Protocol signed May 27, 2014)

·        Thailand (DTA signed November 4, 2013)

·        Ukraine (DTA signed April 19, 2013)

·        Zambia (DTA signed March 31, 2015) (an analysis of this DTA can be found in our article from January 8, 2015).


Are you looking for an other DTA? Then check our section DTAs & TIEAs, a very efficient way to locate numerous DTAs.



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