
On August 29, 2017 a Member of the Dutch House of Representatives sent written questions to the Dutch Minister of Finance and the Dutch State Secretary for Finance regarding the fact that employees of the Dutch tax authorities are visiting the 71st Congress of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) which takes place in Rio de Janeiro.


MP Leijten of the Socialist Party raised the following questions:


Question 1

Since when do employees of the Ministry of Finance and the tax authorities participate in the congresses of the IFA?


Question 2

How many employees of: the tax authorities, the ruling team and the Ministry of Finance visit the IFA congress in Rio de Janeiro?


Question 3

Are the Ministry of Finance and the tax authorities paying for the participation in the congress? What is the budget for this trip?


Question 4

What is the exact program of the congress and how do the participants report with respect to their participation in the IFA congresses? Can you please inform the House of Representatives in this respect?


Question 5

Can you please provide us with an overview of the of the participations that took place during the last couple of years? Can you in this respect also provide information regarding the number of participants, the programs they followed and the reports the participants have made regarding these participations?


Question 6

What contacts do the participants have with people from the tax world during these congresses? What has been agreed in this respect?



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