
On June 14, 2017 the Liechtenstein Government issued a press release announcing that during its meeting of June 7, 2018 the Liechtenstein Parliament approved amendments to the Liechtensten tax code. The reason for amending the tax code was the review of the Liechtenstein tax code by the EU Code of Conduct Group with regard to tax transparency, fair taxation of companies and implementation of the BEPS minimum standards.

With regard to Liechtenstein, the EU Code of Conduct Group identified a need for adjustment in a few areas of Liechtenstein corporate tax code (lack of anti-abuse provisions regarding dividends, capital gains and nominal interest deductions, as well as the asymmetric treatment of capital gains and capital losses). To address these issues, the Liechtenstein government has agreed to make adjustments to the tax law by the end of 2018 at the latest.

If the referendum period expires unused and if the law is sanctioned by the Prince of Liechtenstein, the amendments will take effect at the beginning of July 2018.

Click here to be forwarded to the Law of June 7, 2018 on the amendment of the tax code.



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