In principle, ITP Tax Talent Search (hereinafter: ITP) charges a one-off fee based on the No Cure, No Pay principle for the recruitment and selection services it rendered. This fee is due by the client at the moment it hires a candidate that was introduced/nominated by ITP. Just in case ITP cannot find a suitable candidate, the client will not receive any charges.
The aforementioned one-off recruitment and selection fee is a percentage of the full-time gross annual salary, including holiday payments. This means that the fee for each contract is different. Depending on the position to be filled, the fee that ITP will charge is in principle between 15 and 20% of the full-time gross annual salary, including holiday payments. For certain positions, or if ITP is asked to help fill multiple positions, a different percentage or billing method may be agreed upon.
Naturally, at your request a different method of calculating the recruitment and selection fee can also be agreed upon.
If you would like to discuss the possibilities, do not hesitate to contact Małgorzata Gergelewicz by telephone on +31(0)651164938.