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(September 30, 2014)
Updated on October 1, 2014
On September 30, 2014, the European Commission published non-confidential versions of two decisions taken on 11 June 2014 to open in-depth investigations into transfer pricing arrangements on corporate taxation of Apple in Ireland and Fiat Finance and Trade in Luxembourg.
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(September 29, 2014)
The U.S. Department of the Treasury on its webpage that is dedicated to FATCA has published the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil to Improve International Tax Compliance and to Implement FATCA. Based on the information provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury this FATCA agreement was signed on September 23, 2014.
Read more: FATCA agreement between Brazil and the U.S. signed
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(September 29, 2014)
On September 29, 2014 the following statement was published on the website of the Irish Department of Finance in relation to EU State Aid investigation:
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(September 27, 2014)
On September 25, 2014 the HM Revenue & Customs (hereafter: HMRC) released Revenue and Customs Brief 32 (2014): VAT – policy on holding companies. In this brief the HMRC announces that it has updated its guidance to set out when HMRC considers that VAT recovery may be possible.
Read more: UK – HMRC releases Revenue and Customs Brief 32 (2014): VAT - policy on holding companies
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(September 26, 2014)
Update September 29, 2014
Both the Government of Liechtenstein as well as the Czech Government have issued press releases stating that on September 25, 2014 the two States signed an agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital.
Read more: Liechtenstein and the Czech Republic have signed a DTA
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