- Details
- 30-06-2014 Switzerland: "Taxes retained on behalf of the EU amount to CHF 510 million in 2013";
- 28-06-2014 FATCA: U.S. and Ukraine reach an agreement in substance regarding a FATCA agreement to be concluded;
- 27-06-2014 FATCA Update: U.S. Government publishes Instructions for Form 1042-S (2014);
- 27-06-2014 China and the United States reach an agreement in substance regarding a FATCA Agreement to be concluded;
- 26-06-2014 European Commission publishes report on the feasibility of the new (2015) VAT-rules;
- 26-06-2014 Japan and New Zealand sign revised Cooperative Framework regarding Customs;
- 26-06-2014 Cameroon signs the Multinational Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters;
- 26-06-2014 FATCA Update: Two Instructions published;
- 26-06-2014 Saudi Arabia and the U.S. reach an agreement in substance regarding a FATCA agreement to be concluded;
- 25-06-2014 FATCA Update: The U.S. reaches agreements in substance with Dominica, Grenada and Thailand;
- 24-06-2014 FATCA Update: The U.S. and Taiwan reached an agreement in substance on FATCA;
- 23-06-2014 Japan and British Virgin Islands have signed a Tax Information Exchange Agreement;
- 21-06-2014 The Netherlands and Argentina: Exchange of information with respect to tax matters;
- 20-06-2014 Council gives the European Commission green light to start a broad assessment of all Patent Boxes in the EU;
- 20-06-2014 The Council of the EU agrees to an ammendment to the Parent-Subsidiary Directive;
- 20-06-2014 European Commission publishes additional guidelines on auditing under the Mini One-Stop Shop (MOSS);
- 20-06-2014 OECD: "Andorra comments to automatic exchange of information in tax matters";
- 20-06-2014 FATCA: Revised version of Instructions for Form W-8IMY published;
- 18-06-2014 The EU's Council of Economic and Finance (ECOFIN) Minister to be held on June 20;
- 18-06-2014 Liechtenstein and Guernsey have signed a DTA;
- 17-06-2014 The UK opened an open consultation regarding VAT: Prompt Payment Discounts;
- 17-06-2014 The Netherlands and the Republic of Korea concluded a MoU on the exchange of information in tax matters;
- 16-06-2014 Austria and Montenegro have signed a treaty for the avoidance of double taxation;
- 13-06-2014 FATCA UPDATE: Agreement with New Zealand signed and several agreements in substance reached;
- 13-06-2014 FATCA: United States and South Africa have signed a FATCA agreement;
- 12-06-2014 European Court of Justice rules in joined cases C-39/13, C-40/13 and C-41/13 (freedom of establishemnt);
- 12-06-2014 European Court of Justice ruled in case C-377/13 (Ascendi) (indirect taxes on the raising of capital);
- 11-06-2014 The European Commission investigates transfer pricing agreements on corporate taxation of Aplle (Ireland), Starbucks (The Netherlands) and FIAT Finance and Trade (Luxembourg);
- 10-06-2014 United States publishes updated Model Intergovernmental Agreements for FATCA;
- 09-06-2014 UK: Digital services suppliers get one-stop EU VAT service;
- 06-06-2014 Swiss Federal Council brings FATCA Act into force;
- 05-06-2014 Free movement of capital: European Court of Justice rules in joined cases C-24/12 and C-27/12;
- 04-06-2014 EU: New Guidelines on transfer pricing;
- 04-06-2014 Belgium and Norway have signed a new tax treaty;
- 04-06-2014 Belgium and Poland have signed a Protocol to their tax treaty;
- 04-06-2014 FATCA Update: Slovenia and the United States have signed a FATCA Agreement;
- 04-06-2014 FATCA Update: Seychelles and Turkey have both reached an agreement in substance with the U.S. on FATCA.
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