Following the release of the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Rules as part of a landmark agreement on a two-pillar solution and the related Commentary, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS will develop an Implementation Framework to support tax authorities in the implementation and administration of the GloBE Rules. As the first step in this process, the Inclusive Framework invited input from stakeholders on the matters that need to be addressed as part of the Implementation Framework. This public consultation meeting will discuss the input provided and consider the mechanisms to put in place in order to ensure that tax administrations and MNEs can implement and apply the GloBE Rules in a consistent and co-ordinated manner.
This event is open to the public and media. Interpretation will be provided in English and French. According to the OECD the event will be recorded and a replay will be made available on this web page shortly after.
This public consultation meeting will be held in a virtual form on April 25, 2022 from 12:00-16:30 CEST. Persons who want to attend this virtual meeting can register online on the OECD website by 18:00 CEST, Friday April 22, 2022 via this link. If you wish to register after this deadline, you can send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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