‘Permanent Establishment’ means:
(a) a place of business or a deemed place of business located in a jurisdiction where it is treated as a permanent establishment in accordance with an applicable tax treaty in force provided that such jurisdiction taxes the income attributable to it in accordance with a provision similar to Article 7 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital;
(b) if there is no applicable tax treaty in force, a place of business or a deemed place of business located in a jurisdiction which taxes the income attributable to such place of business on a net basis in a manner similar to which it taxes its own tax residents;
(c) if a jurisdiction has no corporate income tax system, a place of business or a deemed place of business located therein that would be treated as a permanent establishment in accordance with the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital, provided that such jurisdiction would have had the right to tax the income that would have been attributable to the place of business in accordance with Article 7 of that convention; or
(d) another place of business or a deemed place of business through which operations are conducted outside the jurisdiction where the main entity is located if such jurisdiction exempts the income attributable to such operations;
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