On October 17, 2016 the Liechtenstein Government issued a press release announcing that on that same date the Liechtenstein Ambassador in Austria and the Austrian Minister of Finance signed a Protocol amending the Agreement between Liechtenstein and Austria regarding the Cooperation in the Field of Taxation (Abkommen zwischen dem Fürstentum Liechtenstein und der Republik Österreich über die Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Steuern aka Abgeltungssteuerabkommen) (Hereafter: the Abgeltungssteuerabkommen).


The Abgeltungssteuerabkommen entered into force on January 1, 2014 and formed the basis for regularizing untaxed capital from Austrian taxpayers. According to the Liechtenstein Government, the amendments agreed upon on October 17, 2016 were agreed upon in light of the coming into effect of the Liechtenstein - EU Agreement regarding the Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters (Hereafter: the AEOI Agreement). Whereas the Liechtenstein - EU AEOI Agreement in principle came into effect as per January 1, 2016, with respect to Austria it will only come into effect as per January 1, 2017.


Unfortunately we have not been able to locate the text of the Protocol yet. The Liechtenstein Government however issued an extensive press release in this respect. Click here to be forwarded to the press release as issued by the Liechtenstein Government on October 17, 2016.



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